Following a comprehensive review of The Kennel Club Accredited Instructor scheme (KCAI), The Kennel Club has gained valuable feedback from its members through questionnaires and focus groups. While the KCAI scheme has proven valuable, the review identified opportunities to enhance instructing standards to better serve the wider dog training community. Consequently, the current KCAI scheme will close in its current format by September 2025 for members who have not achieved accreditation.
The closure of the scheme for new accreditations is part of The Kennel Club’s ongoing work to overhaul its dog training programme, aiming to improve standards across a broader range and ensure consistency and compliance. Accredited KCAI members who are currently active will remain part of the network and retain their qualifications, provided they stay up to date with their Continuing Professional Development (CPD). Members working towards accreditation who have completed any of the online modules before 15 January 2025 will be given the opportunity to complete their accreditation within a set timeframe, subject to meeting the required accreditation criteria. Those members who have not completed any online modules by this date will retain their annual membership until their subscription expires.
Helen Kerfoot, Chief Canine Health, Activities and Events Officer, commented: “The Kennel Club is deeply committed to providing the best training through our network of Kennel Club Accredited Instructors and dog training clubs.
“Our objective is to support these instructors and enhance their skills and knowledge, ensuring they maintain high standards and provide good quality training for dog owners. Dog training and its provision by instructors is something that The Kennel Clubremains strongly committed to.
“We greatly value the commitment and dedication of our current KCAI scheme members. We know that within the scheme our members are strongly committed to their work, and we look forward to working closely with them in the future.”
The Kennel Club continues to hold valuable discussions with Defra and other UK administrations to help safeguard and maintain high standards in the dog training industry.
The decision, although difficult, has been made to ensure its services provide a clear standard for both instructors and dog training clubs to support dog owners.
The Kennel Club will be contacting all KCAI members in due course with further details. For any enquiries, please contact
As part of its health webinar series, The Kennel Club is hosting a free webinar for owners, breeders and veterinary professionals who would like to find out more about gastric dilation-volvulus syndrome (GDV), otherwise known as bloat, in dogs.
The webinar is taking place via Microsoft Teams on Tuesday 12 November, from 7:00pm to 8:30pm, and will explore what research has told found to date including causes, breed susceptibilities, symptoms, diagnostic approaches, possible treatment options, and what future research could teach us. Those interested in attending the webinar can register here.
The webinar will include a one-hour presentation from Professor Mark Dunning, an expert from the University of Nottingham, followed by a 30-minute question and answer session, giving attendees a chance to put forward their queries and experiences for discussion (questions can also be pre-submitted at the time of registration).
Bloat is an acute, life-threatening condition where air accumulates rapidly in the stomach, causing a sharp rise in pressure that can lead to shock. There are many risk factors associated with the development of bloat, including breed or type, with large and giant breeds more commonly affected. More information about bloat in dogs can be found at
The Kennel Club’s health-focused webinar series has so far explored other canine conditions such as epilepsy, colour dilution alopecia, osteosarcoma and haemangiosarcoma, as well as the science of DNA testing for health, with experts, researchers, owners and breeders. The webinars aim to raise awareness of various canine health concerns, explore research and future studies, improve diagnosis and outlook, and support dogs affected with the condition, and their owners. Past webinars can be watched on The Kennel Club’s YouTube channel.
The Kennel Club takes insights from its health data and feeds them into its Breed Health and Conservation plans, so that it can work with breeders to give information and guidance about how to ensure the future health of pedigree breeds. These plans, which enable The Kennel Club to track progress and make meaningful changes to breed health, have been developed as a result of reviewing more than 4,000 research papers, making the project the most comprehensive review of pedigree health data anywhere in the world. More information about what the organisation does for dog health is available at
Three in five dog owners say they want Government action or a ban, as a third of our nation’s canines ‘terrified’ of fireworks
And it is not just concerning behavioural changes, as 80% of owners also notice changes in their dog’s mood:
- 30% of owners believe their four-legged friend is terrified of fireworks
- 40% of owners notice their dog is scared
- And 52% say fireworks makes their dog anxious
This year sees Diwali celebrations beginning this week, from 31 October and over the weekend – followed by Bonfire Night on 5 November. Both of these celebrations can be accompanied by bright and loud fireworks displays, which can negatively affect the behaviour of the UK’s pets, causing some to escape or run away due to distress and fear, with more than one in ten (13%) owners reporting their dog has attempted to flee during fireworks.
Charlotte McNamara, Head of Health at The Kennel Club, said: “The unfamiliar sights and sounds of fireworks, including loud bangs, flashes of light and strange vibrations can be really distressing for dogs, as this research shows. Alongside thousands of dogs showing clear signs of fear during displays, there are also devastating longer-term consequences, with pets going missing and running away.
“The element of surprise is a key issue for owners and dogs. If owners can anticipate fireworks, they can manage their pet’s distress in a way that works for their dog, and we’re asking Government to recognise this and review legislation to better control their use.
“Whilst we urge policy-makers to consider our recommendations to protect dog welfare, we are also urging caution from owners this fireworks season. Every dog will react differently to fireworks and it is really important that owners know what do to and how they can help their four-legged friend, and keep them safe.”
To try and help dogs to get through fireworks season, The Kennel Club has created a Spotify playlist for owners to get their dogs used to the unusually loud noises. This can be played at home on a very low volume for a short amount of time to start with, and owners can slowly build up to avoid causing any distress. If your dog does start showing signs of distress, stop immediately, and seek help from a qualified dog trainer or behaviourist.
Of course, owners should also remember that there are multiple elements of fireworks which can trigger fear, from cracks and whistles to loud bangs, vibrations, flashing lights and the strong smells in the air. Whilst playing these sounds may help most dogs, it is not the complete remedy, and further advice from experts at The Kennel Club includes:
- Making a safe space for your pet filled with their favourite toys and blankets. You could drape a thick duvet over the top of it to make it more soundproof, but make sure that it’s secure and can’t fall on to your dog
- Shutting all the doors and windows, and keeping curtains closed to block the flashing lights
- Distracting your dog or trying to drown out the sounds by keeping the TV or radio switched on, or a washing machine or tumble drier which gives off vibrations
- Checking where and when displays are being held in your local area. Also ask your neighbours to let you know if they are planning a private display
- Quietly and affectionately acknowledging your dog’s calm and settled behaviour during fireworks
- Keeping your pet’s microchip details up to date makes it easier to reunite you with your dog, in case they run away or escape
- Trying to act and behave as normal – your dog will pick up on any unusual behaviour. Remain calm, happy and cheerful as this will send positive signals to your dog
- Think about walking your dog when it’s light during fireworks season, so it’s easier to avoid any nearby displays frightening your dog whilst you’re out.
More information and advice on how to help dogs to stay safe and comfortable during the fireworks season, as well as the organisation’s policy recommendations, is available via The Kennel Club’s website. To check if your pet’s microchip details are up to date, visit the Petlog website.
Crufts 2025 – Northern Ireland IR Team Application
Inter Regional Obedience Competition on Friday 7th March 2025
I have been appointed by Crufts Dog Show Committee to manage the Northern Ireland Inter Regional Team for Crufts 2025.
Please can you use this form to kindly list any places you have achieved (at Kennel Club (KC) shows only please) this will help with the selection. We will also have a selection day (one each in Northern Ireland and the Isle of Man) which will give you the opportunity to show off your dog and both things will be taken into account during selection.
The 2025 Inter Regional team will consist of:
1 Beginner Dog
2 Novice Dogs
2 Class A Dogs
1 Class B Dog
1 Class C Dog
1 Beginner Reserve Dog
**Please note: The following breed restrictions apply to the Inter Regional Team. The team may consist of:
- a maximum of three BC/WSDs,
- three Crossbreeds (one of which must not be a Collie/Working Sheepdog type)
- and up to three any other single breed.
The tests for this event will be as per G regs for each class.
Team Manager: Helen Boyde
Crufts 2025 will take place from the 6 – 9 March at the NEC, Birmingham. Groups are scheduled as follows:
6 March – Terrier and Hound
7 March – Toy and Utility
8 March – Gundog
9 March – Working and Pastoral
Online entries will open on 19 November, but in the meantime The Kennel Club would like to announce that the following competitions will take place at Crufts on these dates:
Thursday 6 March
Crufts Novice Cup Agility
Crufts Agility Championship (large and intermediate height dogs)
Junior Warrant competition final
Breeders competition
Heelwork to Music competition
Young Kennel Club (YKC) Agility Jumping Cup
Flyball team competition – Last 16
Inter-Regional Rally competition
Obreedience competition
Friday 7 March
Joe Cartledge Memorial International Junior Handling competition
Crufts Medium ABC/Intermediate and Large Novice ABC Agility
Crufts Singles Agility
Vulnerable Breeds competition
Flyball team competition – Last 16
Freestyle Heelwork to Music competition
Inter-Regional Obedience competition
Saturday 8 March
Crufts International Agility competition
Scruffts semi-finals and final
Freestyle Heelwork to Music International competition
YKC Agility Dog of the Year finals
Flyball – quarter finals (including YKC Finals)
Obedience Championships (Bitches)
Good Citizen Dog Training scheme Special Pre- Beginner Obedience Stakes Grand Final
Gamekeepers competition final
Sunday 9 March
Crufts Agility Championship (small and medium height dogs)
Flyball – semi-finals and finals
Good Citizen Dog Training Scheme Special Pre- Beginner Obedience Stakes final for YKC members
Obedience Championship (Dogs)
The Kennel Club Hero Dog Award
Best in Show and presentation
Further competition times and events are still to be announced. Up-to-date information can be found at
South East & East Anglia IR Team
Inter-Regional Obedience Competition Friday 7th March 2025 at CRUFTS
The Kennel Club Good Citizen Dog Training Scheme Special Pre-Beginner Obedience Stakes – Crufts 2025 qualifiers (up to 31.07.24)
The Kennel Club Good Citizen Dog Training Scheme Special Pre-Beginner Obedience Stakes – Crufts 2025 qualifiers (up to 31.07.24)
Thank you to everyone who has supported the heats. Congratulations to all the qualifiers to date.
List of qualifying teams up to 31.07.24 (in qualifying order)
Megan Hyndman & Twinan That’s Exactly Right -Pembroke Welsh Corgi
Jodie Parry & Susie Que of Valgrays – Crossbreed
Beatrice Rolf & Fressinghill Spitfire -Cocker Spaniel
Goldie Chandler & Wispa’s Magic Minstrel -Cocker Spaniel
Kelly Harris & Illori Camiyah -Staffordshire Bull Terrier
Janet Wilson & My Belladonna -Australian Kelpie
Jenny Howe & Howz that Axel -Chihuahua
Laura Lloyd & Iceni Queen -Crossbreed
Gayl Sadler & Somanic It’s Now or Never -Standard Poodle
Lisa Sergiew & Izzabella Tinkerbell -Shetland Sheepdog
Francessca Grimshaw & Miss Wizzabelle Wisp – Border Collie
Sarah Kelly & Ankercanis Gruffalo – Belgian Shepherd (Malinois)
Anika Mckenzie & Hawkenhurst Road to Morrocco – Labrador
Diane Bruce & Johnasta Jus Chalkie Among Launatzarben -Papillion
Jo Town & Eanie Meanie My Boy Mo -Miniature Poodle
Nick Burchell & Oryxes Kissing The Waves On Tivalake (Imp Can) -Nova Scotia Duck Tolling Retriever
Ruth Braithwaite & Martha Mendips – WSD
Michelle Bean & Lightning Lex – WSD
Katy Green & Messano Mister Ed – Golden Retriever
KCGCDTS SPBOS Final for YKC Members
List of qualifying teams up to 31.07.24 (in alphabetical order)
Leela Craig-Thompson & Traethdu Thebe -Cocker Spaniel
Lilah Dunlop & Peggy Power – Crossbreed
Katy Green & Messano Mister Ed – Golden Retriever
Francessca Grimshaw & Miss Wizzabelle Wisp -Border Collie
Kiera Leslie & Stripehead Impact -Wirehaired Visla
Bonnie Lloyd & Bonnie’s Biscuit – Cocker Spaniel
Kelsey McHenry & Night Flight -Border Collie
Anika Mckenzie & Hawkenhurst Road to Morrocco -Labrador
Reuben Parrish & Epsilon Clara Stelo -Crossbreed
Reuben Parrish & Proserpina Yamari -Border Collie
Beatrice Rolf & Fressinghill Spitfire -Cocker Spaniel
Beatrice Rolf & Pippilotta Starflight -Crossbreed
Chloe Sissons & Simbella The Great – Labrador
The Grand Final will take place at Crufts on Saturday 8th March 2025 and the Final for YKC members on Sunday 9th March 2025. Both finals will be held in the GCDTS ring Hall 3, NEC, Birmingham, West Midlands.
For further information about the heats please email
Kennel Club welcomes incoming Labour government
Following the General Election, The Kennel Club has congratulated the incoming Labour government, and Sir Keir Starmer on becoming Prime Minister, and calls for collaboration with the new Government to reshape laws surrounding dog welfare, encourage responsible breeding and support owners with caring for their pets.
Last month, the dog welfare organisation launched a wide-ranging eight-point plan which highlighted the key issues facing owners and their pets, and detailed the legislative changes and alternative measures which need to be taken to better dog welfare, advocating education and behaviour change to bring about improvements.
Mark Beazley, Chief Executive at The Kennel Club, said: “The Kennel Club congratulates Sir Keir Starmer on becoming Prime Minister, and the Labour Party, who have pledged to improve animal welfare and end puppy farming and smuggling. We therefore look forward to working with the incoming Labour government to protect dog welfare, help owners provide the best care for their pets, and ensure previous obligations, such as banning cruel electric shock collars, are prioritised.”
The Kennel Club manifesto can be found by visiting our website and more information about how The Kennel Club campaigns to make a difference for dogs and their owners is available here.
The Young Kennel Club Summer Camp is returning to Rutland Showground for a week of canine camp fun
Young dog lovers and their four-legged-friends are preparing for another fun-filled start to the summer holidays in Rutland, as the annual Young Kennel Club (YKC) Summer Camp returns to Rutland Showground, for a fourth consecutive year.
With an action-packed week of activities, training and entertainment for both youngsters and their dogs, the YKC Summer Camp will kick off on Sunday 28 July until Friday 2 August and will welcome over 80 young dog enthusiasts, alongside their canine companions.
The Young Kennel Club has been running since 1985, with the first Summer Camp taking place in 1992, and 2021 saw the Camp take up residence at the showground for the first time. This summer, the YKC will welcome back children and teenagers between the ages of seven and sixteen, offering a perfect opportunity for them to enjoy a holiday with their dogs, whilst also keeping active, joining in with social events and taking part in plenty of training activities with their four-legged friends.
The week will include the opportunity to brush up on skills across a range of dog-focused disciplines, including a competition day which is new for this year, as well as agility, hoopers, obedience and heelwork to music. There will also be an educational programme that will provide information about all things canine – from dog grooming and care, to The Kennel Club Good Citizen Dog Training scheme, as well as a packed evening schedule for the humans, with a sports night, talent night, quiz night and many more. YKC volunteers will be on hand as team leaders, which not only provides them with the invaluable developmental opportunity to put their leadership skills into practice, the younger members also benefit from being mentored by older members, who have been involved with the YKC for many years.
YKC members must have a parent or guardian on-site at all times, but all the family are welcome to enjoy the fun, with onsite activities including daily bingo, camp fun run and many more.
“Of course, there will also be plenty of fun and games, and opportunities to socialise, train and compete, as well as gain lifelong friendships.”
Parents of young dog lovers who may be interested in becoming a member of the Young Kennel Club should visit for more information.