Advice for animal related businesses and local authorities during COVID-19 – Dog Trainers

(Excerpt from Kennel Club site at


Training of dogs is an important element of their social development. Dog training instructors may continue to provide advice on training on a one-to-one basis using technology to connect the trainer and client. It may also be possible to run classes by video link. From Monday 1st June small dog training classes of up to five students and one training instructor (or instructor, assistant and four students) are allowed as long as clients are able to maintain social distance whilst arriving, leaving and at the class. A training class must utilise a secure private outside area with adequate parking to allow clients to arrive and leave whilst remaining two metres apart. There should be no physical contact between the trainer and client or dog and social distance should be maintained at all times. Owners should touch only their own dogs. Owners of dogs from infected or self-isolating households pose a significantly higher risk to the training instructor and others in the class and should not be accepted. Owners can leave their dogs with a trainer providing the business handover protocol is followed and social distancing is maintained.