The next meeting of the Kennel Club Obedience Liaison Council is scheduled to be held at the Kennel Club in London on Thursday 23 July 2020. Proposals for inclusion on the agenda should reach the Obedience Liaison Council Secretary by 24 April.

Each eligible society or an individual may submit items for the agenda, through a council representative. Proposals must be concise and, if an amendment or an additional regulation is proposed, the regulation number must be given. All submissions must be signed by the society/individual and the representative.

All items for inclusion on the agenda should be sent to Working Dog Activities Team, The Kennel Club, Clarges Street, London W1J 8AB or by email to obedience@thekennelclub.org.uk.

A full list of Obedience Liaison Council representatives can be found at bit.ly/2Tx8YVk.

Please note, due to the ongoing coronavirus situation, it is possible that the Council meeting will be postponed or cancelled, depending on Government guidance nearer the time. Please keep abreast of Kennel Club announcements in this respect.


A team of four Shetland Sheepdogs won the Obreedience competition at the world’s biggest dog event, Crufts on Thursday 5th March.

The Shetland Sheepdogs team, named the Sheltie Superstars, proved themselves more obedient than the nine other breed teams that made it to the final at Crufts in Birmingham. The other finalists were teams of German Shepherd Dogs, Cocker Spaniels, Manchester Terriers, Jack Russell Terriers, Cairn Terriers, Cavalier King Charles Spaniels, Standard Poodles, Papillons and Bernese Mountain Dogs.



In response to the coronavirus pandemic, the Kennel Club and its charities will help support canine organisations and rescues which have been affected

The Kennel Club, The Kennel Club Charitable Trust and The Kennel Club Educational Trust have today (24 March) announced the creation of an emergency relief fund to support dog rescue centres and other canine organisations affected by the coronavirus pandemic.

In response to the emerging situation, the Kennel Club Charitable Trust has announced that it will help support those in the community which require emergency funds in order to prevent the unnecessary suffering of dogs, such as providing additional support for rescue centres. The Trust, which was established in 1987, has distributed grants totalling over £11 million to a wide variety of causes supporting its charitable purposes across canine health, support dogs, welfare and rescue.  

In parallel, the Kennel Club Educational Trust will be setting up an emergency fund to support training clubs affected by the negative consequences for dogs, due to Covid-19. Meanwhile, the Kennel Club is currently exploring funding and support arrangements for clubs and canine societies worst hit by the outbreak of the virus, particularly those societies affected by cancellations.

“The coronavirus pandemic is devastating for so many communities, including all those involved in dogs,” said Reverend Bill King, Chairman of the Kennel Club Charitable Trust. “Many of those affected run small but incredibly vital and dedicated organisations, clubs and rescues which make a huge difference for dogs, and now urgently need support to be able to survive these unprecedented times.

“We are only as strong as our community and the Kennel Club and its related charities are fortunate to be able to help those hardest hit through this challenging time.”

Details of the funds and how to apply will be announced shortly by the Kennel Club and its charities.

The Kennel Club has dedicated information pages and further information on how to care for dogs during the coronavirus outbreak available via the homepage on its website: www.thekennelclub.org.uk


Clubs and societies are advised by the Kennel Club that, in order to assist in dealing with correspondence efficiently, it should preferably be sent to the Kennel Club by email rather than by post during the current COVID-19 outbreak.

Correspondence posted to the Kennel Club may result in a delayed response as the offices are currently closed, with staff working remotely.

In view of societies having their Annual General Meeting delayed, the Kennel Club will allow the late submission of annual returns depending on when meetings are able to be held.

With regard to the above matters, the Kennel Club will allow sufficient leeway and no penalties will be incurred as long as there is a realistic and reasonable approach all round.

For clubs and societies which use the Kennel Club’s scrutineering service and which have ballots currently running, the provision of results cannot be guaranteed until the situation surrounding the outbreak becomes more stable.

Any clubs and societies which have booked this service for ballots which have yet to begin should put these on hold for the time being or an alternative scrutineering method should be used in urgent cases, as the Kennel Club cannot guarantee the service at present.

For any queries relating to annual returns and show licensing, including cancellation and postponement, please email sass@thekennelclub.org.uk.

Societies submitting correspondence relating to judges, including nominations and questionnaires for Challenge Certificate judges should, wherever possible, submit these via email to breedshows@thekennelclub.org.uk or for activity disciplines to wda@thekennelclub.org.uk.

If this is not possible, these nominations will be dealt with once the Kennel Club offices are open for business as usual. Leeway will be granted if submissions are within the required 12-month period.

The Kennel Club thanks all clubs and societies for their patience and understanding during these difficult times.


Kennel Club customers are advised that members of staff will transition to working from home during the course of this week as a result of the coronavirus outbreak. By the close of business on Friday, the Clarges Street offices will be closed. Soon after this, the Aylesbury site will also close, once the Kennel Club is confident that calls and business processing will not be compromised.

The Kennel Club will endeavour to keep its services running as smoothly as possible in these times, with Aylesbury staff working between 10am and 4pm. Please note that during this closure period, there may be delays to respond to postal correspondence, therefore we would ask our customers to use email to contact staff where possible.

The Kennel Club will be making further announcements as the situation develops and will continue to update its website with current information as appropriate. Please note that Kennel Club goods and services are also still available direct from this website. Please visit www.thekennelclub.org.uk.



Success for dogs, handlers and trainers from Staffordshire, Middlesex, Northamptonshire and West Yorkshire

The winners of the annual Good Citizen Dog Scheme (GCDS) awards were announced at the world’s greatest dog show, Crufts, on Sunday 8th March.

The Kennel Club Good Citizen Dog Scheme is the largest dog training programme in the United Kingdom, with over 680,000 dogs and their owners graduating through the scheme’s Bronze award. The GCDS awards were created in recognition of the hard work, efforts and contribution made by dedicated canine clubs and enthusiasts.

Twelve individuals, dogs, clubs and organisations were vying for the top prize across four categories: Best Kennel Club GCDS Listed Status Dog Training Club Award, Best Kennel Club Registered Club Award, Royal Canin Dedicated Person Award and Royal Canin Most Inspiring Dog Award. The nominees were all put forward to a public vote, with the winners announced at the GCDS awards ceremony, which took place at Crufts.


Crufts Dog Activities Displays

Crufts Dog Activities Displays are as follows:


Thursday: 9.45 and 2.15

Friday: 9.30 and 2.30

Saturday: 12.00 and 4.00 (YKC Rally team, competition at 4pm)

Sunday: 11.15 and 2.30

A couple of the team will also be representing Rally in the Main Arena on Sunday at 9.55.


Thursday: 12.30 and 3.45

Friday: 12.45 and 4.00

Saturday: 10.30 and 3.00

Sunday: 12.30 and 4.00

A couple of the team will also be representing Obedience in the Main Arena on Sunday at 9.55.

Also attached is a document detailing photos and writeups for the YKC Rally competitors (competing on Saturday in the Dog Activities ring, Hall 3, at 4pm) and the judge.

New ‘GET STARTED’ videos become available


The Kennel Club collaborates with Britain’s Got Talent winner Ashleigh Butler and other experienced Crufts competitors to create videos for owners who want to get active with their dog

With Crufts returning to Birmingham this week, the Kennel Club has unveiled a series of ‘Getting started in…’ videos, which show dog-lovers how they can get involved in a range of activities with their canine companion.

The interactive videos span agility – made up of various obstacles for your dog to run through, jump over, and weave in and out of alongside you; obedience – strengthening your teamwork and training; and heelwork to music – combining obedience, choreography and music.

Each video is narrated by a two-legged expert, with demonstrations from their four-legged teammate, including tips on how to get into the activity, what it takes to be successful and practical training advice.

Continue reading New ‘GET STARTED’ videos become available

The Kennel Club statement on Coronavirus

Following the outbreak of novel Coronavirus in China, the Kennel Club and the NEC will be taking enhanced measures to help protect our visitors, exhibitors, clients and staff at Crufts 2020 taking place on the 5th – 8th  March.

We are monitoring the situation closely and we continue to follow advice from the World Health Organisation and Public Health England, as well as that of local government.

Everyone should note that the main message from Public Health England is on personal hygiene, therefore staff, exhibitors and visitors are also being encouraged to maintain good hand, respiratory and personal hygiene by employing the ‘Catch It. Bin It. Kill It’ ethos.  Additional signage and bottles of hand sanitiser will be introduced in toilets and the in-hall catering areas, to make it even easier for everyone to clean their hands. In addition Crufts will be supplying a hand sanitiser station at each public and dog exhibitor entrance.

The Kennel Club recommends that those with concerns about the Coronavirus follow guidelines set out by the World Health Organisation www.who.int/emergencies/diseases/novel-coronavirus-2019/advice-for-public and follow government advice on travel.

Extracts from the Kennel Club Obedience Council’s Agenda for the next meeting due to take place on Thursday 6th February 2020 for your comments

Please find attached an updated paper questionnaire that can be printed off and completed, or completed electronically as a word document and return it to your regional rep or to me at cpatrick1984@outlook.com

There is a link on the questionnaire (and below) for anyone who would like to complete a Google questionnaire on line (June Le Fevre will collate the Google responses and feed them back to the area reps)
You can download the complete agenda by using this link:  https://www.thekennelclub.org.uk/media/1160700/olc-060220-agenda.pdf.

PLEASE NOTE: If you live in the South East and East Anglia area you should not use this paper questionnaire, but just use the Google questionnaire by following this link:  https://forms.gle/rn9sXEyrnw5GrGtP8

Also, Bev Smith has designed a questionnaire that will be available on the Midlands Facebook page

Please take some time to feedback your comments on the recommendations, proposals and discussion items so that your reps can represent your views at the Obedience Council meeting on 06.02.20

Many Thanks Carole