The Kennel Club has recently approved the following changes to the regulations for rally which will come into effect on 1 January 2020.The following regulations have been amended in order to address minor issues and anomalies arising from the review of the S Regulations, and to provide consistency and clarity.New Regulation S19.h. JudgingTO:Judges must submit course plans to the Secretary and/or the Chief Steward no later than 10 days prior to the competition date.(Insertion in bold)(Subsequent paragraphs to be renumbered)(Effective 1 January 2020)Amendment to Regulation S2.b.TO:b. Only dogs of six calendar months of age and over on the first day of the competition are eligible to take part in Level 1, 2, or 3 and Level 2 classes. Only dogs of 12 calendar months of age and over on the first day of the competition are eligible to take part in Level 3 4 or higher classes or special classes which incorporate jumps or similar exercises.(Insertions in bold. Deletions struck through)(Effective 1 January 2020)Amendment to Regulation S15.a.TO:Facilities and Equipment .It is the competition organiser’s responsibility to provide the following:
Continue reading Changes to Rally Regulations from 1st January 2020Author: admin
KC Announces Obedience Changes from 1st January 2020
The Kennel Club has recently approved the following changes to the regulations for obedience which will come into effect on 1 January 2020.
The below regulation has been amended in order to assist clubs in areas of the country where entries are low, by allowing stewards to compete. It is hoped this would ease the burden on some clubs in trying to find both judges and stewards from a small pool of people.
Continue reading KC Announces Obedience Changes from 1st January 2020OBEDIENCE LIAISON COUNCIL MEETING 6 FEBRUARY 2020
The next meeting of the Kennel Club Obedience Liaison Council will be held at the Kennel Club in London on Thursday 6 February 2020. Proposals for inclusion on the agenda should reach the Obedience Liaison Council Secretary by November 8.
Each eligible society or an individual may submit items for the agenda, through a council representative. Proposals must be concise and, if an amendment or an additional regulation is proposed, the regulation number must be given. All submissions must be signed by the society/individual and the representative.
All items for inclusion on the agenda should be sent to Working Dog Activities Team, The Kennel Club, Clarges Street, London W1J 8AB or by email to
A full list of Obedience Liaison Council representatives can be found at
The newly proposed Regulations could impact on thousands of responsible dog owners pursuing their hobby in Wales
The Kennel Club is urging dog show exhibitors from across the UK to write to the Welsh Government to prevent thousands of people who show dogs in Wales being caught in a newly proposed licensing system.
The Welsh Government is currently consulting on new Regulations regarding Animal Exhibits, including the proposal that anyone exhibiting an animal in Wales will need to be licensed and inspected. This will apply not only to those who live in Wales, but any exhibitor who shows dogs at any Welsh show. The Regulations will also require anyone who lives in Wales and exclusively exhibits their dogs outside of Wales to also obtain a licence and be inspected.
Although those competing in canine activity disciplines are exempt, the proposed amendment to the Animal Welfare Act in Wales would affect a huge number of dog show exhibitors; there are around 200 local dog shows that take place in Wales annually, as well as two major shows run by the Welsh Kennel Club and the South Wales Kennel Association. The Welsh Kennel Club show attracts around 9,000 dogs.
Seeking support from dog show exhibitors to exempt themselves from the licensing system, the Kennel Club has drafted guidelines to assist those who would be affected and wish to respond to the consultation, which closes on November 21.
Holly Conway, Head of Public Affairs at the Kennel Club, said: “This proposal is a real concern for exhibitors who benefit so much from their hobby and canine companionship. It’s nonsensical for these responsible dog owners to be licensed, and inspected, simply for continuing to pursue a hobby, and is a waste of valuable local authority time and resource. We sincerely hope the Welsh Government will listen to these concerns and consider exempting those who take part in dog shows from the Regulations.
“We urge anyone who shows dogs, regardless of whether or not they live in Wales, to support us in preventing this proposal applying to dog show exhibitors by responding to the consultation and writing to their Assembly Member or indeed their MP or MSP.”
Further information and a template response for exhibitors to send to the Welsh Government to outline their concerns can be found on the Kennel Club website at
South and South West Inter Regional Obedience Team, Crufts 2020
Have you ever wondered what it would be like to work your dog on the famous green carpet at Crufts ?? Well here’s your chance why not come along and try out for the team. Do you live in Herefordshire, Somerset, Avon, Wiltshire, Devon, Cornwall, Dorset or Gloucestershire then our Counties need you !!
This year we will be holding two try out:
The first one on the 3rd of November in Cheltenham at the Shurdington Social Centre, Bishops Road, Shurdington.
The 2nd on the 10th of November in Weston-super-Mare at Hewish and Puxton Village Hall, Maysgreen Lane, Hewish.
The format will feature 1 Beginner dog, 2 Novice dogs, 2 ‘A’, 1 ‘B’ and 1 ‘C’ plus a Beginner reserve. Two Border Collies or Working Sheepdogs only may feature in the team with a maximum of three Crossbreeds, one of which may not be of Collie type and no more than three of any other single breed.
The eligibility date is up 31st of October 2019, so if interested then please download the form and fill it in, and send it to the address on the form the tryout days are also printed on the obedience schedule page with the postcodes any further information please do not hesitate to contact me on my email –
Emma Galbraith
WALES Inter-Regional Obedience Competition CRUFTS, 6 March 2020
Application forms for team membership are now available to download from this site, all the information can be found on them.
Please support as no-one is pre-selected.
The forms will also be available directly from me or from Alison O’Connor (West Wales) Tel. 01834 891510 or Pat Werner (North Wales) tel. 01824 780455
Jen Jessop (Team Manager)
The Inter-Regional Competition next year will be held on Friday 6th March 2020.
The format will feature 1 Beginner dog, 2 Novice dogs, 2 ‘A’, 1 ‘B’ and 1 ‘C’ plus a Beginner reserve. Two Border Collies or Working Sheepdogs only may feature in the team with a maximum of three Crossbreeds, one of which may not be of Collie type and no more than three of any other single breed.
It is of utmost importance that the selectors have a wide and strong choice of other breeds.
The Northern Team will be selected by myself, Alison Gresty and Karen Davies.
Dogs must not be Obedience Champions and handlers and dogs competing at the 2019 Crufts Championships are not eligible. Those eligible to apply for the Northern Team are to reside in Co. Durham, Cleveland, Tyne & Wear, Northumberland, Humberside, Yorkshire, Cheshire, Lincolnshire, Greater Manchester, Lancashire, Cumbria and Merseyside.
The closing date for eligibility is 31st October 2019 and all entries must be received by myself by 3rd December 2019.
Although you are giving details of your dog’s awards during the year for us to consider there will be “selection days”
Sunday 17th November 2019 at Jarys Dog Training club, Marsh House Sports and Community Centre, Billingham, TS23 2HB.
Saturday 23rd November 2019 at Newton Heath Dog Training Club, 66 Wickentree Lane, Failsworth, Manchester, M35 9AY.
Sunday 1st December 2019 at Netherton Village Hall, Netherton, Wakefield, WF4 4LR.
There will be at least two training days held before Crufts.
Selected team members will be expected to attend both get together days.
When making your application please ensure that you are aware of the rules and regulations for the Team competition.
If you or your Club feel that you are able to sponsor the team in any way, any offer will be gratefully received!
Please send for an application form as soon as possible together with a stamped addressed envelope or e-mail your request to the address below to the Northern Area Team Manager :-
Emma Lavender – Mount Pleasant Kennels, Wakefield Road, Hampole, Doncaster, DN6 7EX. (07793933194)
Application Form for download below:
Scotland Crufts 2020
Inter-Regional Obedience Team Competition
To be held on Friday 6th March 2020
“Under Kennel Club ‘G’ Regulations”
If you would like to be considered for SCOTTISH TEAM
Please complete an application form and either …
- return it to me, Ellen Herries or Anne Marie Parker
- email it to me at
- or post it to my home address:
10 Glencaple Ave, Dumfries DG1 4SJ
If you live in any of the following areas:
Derbyshire, Leicestershire, West Midlands, Northamptonshire, Notts., Rutland, Oxfordshire, Shropshire, Staffs, Worcs
and would like to be considered for a place in the team then please send application form (downloadable below or from our Facebook page) to:
Lou Jackson, Team Manager, Comox, Harrisons Lane, Gailey, Staffs. ST19 5PS
Selection day to be held on Sunday 24th November at Tomlinsons Canine Center, Markfield, Leicestershire. LE67 9RJ.
If you are selected the team will be required to attend four training sessions before the event.
If you would like any more info please contact me on 07831397080 or I ‘ll be at Lichfield Show and all the Sandwell shows.Assistant team managers: Lyn Tozer and Steve Fraser, will also be at these shows and may help you with any enquiries.
Crufts 2020 Northern Ireland Inter Regional Team Applications
I have been invited by Michael McCartney (with the approval of the Crufts Dog Show Committee) to manage the Northern Ireland Inter Regional Obedience Team for Crufts 2020.
As you are probably aware Michael McCartney who has been appointed as NI Obedience Inter Regional Manager is in fact judging the event in 2020, therefore he is unable to fulfil his role for that year.
I have accepted the invitation and will be responsible for managing the NI Inter Regional Obedience Team along with two very able assistants in Anne Hamill & Mandy Jennings.
The 2020 Inter Regional team will consist of:
1 Beginner Dog
2 Novice Dogs
2 Class A Dogs
1 Class B Dog
1 Class C Dog
1 Beginner Reserve Dog
The following breed restrictions apply to the Inter Regional Team. The team may consist of:-
- a maximum of two BC/WSDs,
- 3 Crossbreeds (one of which must not be a Collie/Working Sheepdog type)
- and up to three any other single breed.
The tests for this event will be as per G regs for each class.
If you would like to be considered for this event, please complete this form and return it to me either by: Email:
or post to my home address:
Mrs. Tracy McKinlay
Smeale Old Chapel
Kirk Andreas
Isle of Man. IM7 3EB
Forms should be received by: Saturday 16th November, 2019
NB No telephone applications will be accepted.
Team selection days will take place on:
NORTHERN IRELAND: Saturday, 30th November at K9 Academy, 10 Moneybroom Road, Lisburn, BT28 2QP
ISLE OF MAN: Saturday, 7th December starting at 10 am at the Glebe, St. Marks.
I hope that everyone will be notified of our decision one way or the other by mid-December.
If you would like to apply but cannot make the above date in your area, please do not be put off applying, but contact me so we can try to arrange something.
Two Team Training Sessions will be arranged in each “country” and ask that you attend at least one of these sessions, again dates to be confirmed.
Kind Regards
Tracy McKinlay