Would you like to become the Crufts Inter-Regional Obedience Team Manager for Wales?

The Kennel Club is calling for anyone interested in becoming an Obedience Inter-Regional Team Manager to get in touch.

The Inter-regional event has been a popular feature in the Obedience Arena at Crufts for almost 40 years and is a competition between teams from Scotland, Northern Ireland, North, Midlands, Wales, South East and East Anglia, South and South West.

We have a vacancy for a new manager for the Welsh region and are now inviting applications from interested parties who would like to be considered for the position, initially for the period up to and including Crufts 2022 and then renewable on a three yearly cycle.

Continue reading Would you like to become the Crufts Inter-Regional Obedience Team Manager for Wales?


A team of four Shetland Sheepdogs won the Obreedience competition at the world’s biggest dog event, Crufts on Thursday 5th March.

The Shetland Sheepdogs team, named the Sheltie Superstars, proved themselves more obedient than the nine other breed teams that made it to the final at Crufts in Birmingham. The other finalists were teams of German Shepherd Dogs, Cocker Spaniels, Manchester Terriers, Jack Russell Terriers, Cairn Terriers, Cavalier King Charles Spaniels, Standard Poodles, Papillons and Bernese Mountain Dogs.



Success for dogs, handlers and trainers from Staffordshire, Middlesex, Northamptonshire and West Yorkshire

The winners of the annual Good Citizen Dog Scheme (GCDS) awards were announced at the world’s greatest dog show, Crufts, on Sunday 8th March.

The Kennel Club Good Citizen Dog Scheme is the largest dog training programme in the United Kingdom, with over 680,000 dogs and their owners graduating through the scheme’s Bronze award. The GCDS awards were created in recognition of the hard work, efforts and contribution made by dedicated canine clubs and enthusiasts.

Twelve individuals, dogs, clubs and organisations were vying for the top prize across four categories: Best Kennel Club GCDS Listed Status Dog Training Club Award, Best Kennel Club Registered Club Award, Royal Canin Dedicated Person Award and Royal Canin Most Inspiring Dog Award. The nominees were all put forward to a public vote, with the winners announced at the GCDS awards ceremony, which took place at Crufts.


Crufts Dog Activities Displays

Crufts Dog Activities Displays are as follows:


Thursday: 9.45 and 2.15

Friday: 9.30 and 2.30

Saturday: 12.00 and 4.00 (YKC Rally team, competition at 4pm)

Sunday: 11.15 and 2.30

A couple of the team will also be representing Rally in the Main Arena on Sunday at 9.55.


Thursday: 12.30 and 3.45

Friday: 12.45 and 4.00

Saturday: 10.30 and 3.00

Sunday: 12.30 and 4.00

A couple of the team will also be representing Obedience in the Main Arena on Sunday at 9.55.

Also attached is a document detailing photos and writeups for the YKC Rally competitors (competing on Saturday in the Dog Activities ring, Hall 3, at 4pm) and the judge.

New ‘GET STARTED’ videos become available


The Kennel Club collaborates with Britain’s Got Talent winner Ashleigh Butler and other experienced Crufts competitors to create videos for owners who want to get active with their dog

With Crufts returning to Birmingham this week, the Kennel Club has unveiled a series of ‘Getting started in…’ videos, which show dog-lovers how they can get involved in a range of activities with their canine companion.

The interactive videos span agility – made up of various obstacles for your dog to run through, jump over, and weave in and out of alongside you; obedience – strengthening your teamwork and training; and heelwork to music – combining obedience, choreography and music.

Each video is narrated by a two-legged expert, with demonstrations from their four-legged teammate, including tips on how to get into the activity, what it takes to be successful and practical training advice.

Continue reading New ‘GET STARTED’ videos become available

The Kennel Club statement on Coronavirus

Following the outbreak of novel Coronavirus in China, the Kennel Club and the NEC will be taking enhanced measures to help protect our visitors, exhibitors, clients and staff at Crufts 2020 taking place on the 5th – 8th  March.

We are monitoring the situation closely and we continue to follow advice from the World Health Organisation and Public Health England, as well as that of local government.

Everyone should note that the main message from Public Health England is on personal hygiene, therefore staff, exhibitors and visitors are also being encouraged to maintain good hand, respiratory and personal hygiene by employing the ‘Catch It. Bin It. Kill It’ ethos.  Additional signage and bottles of hand sanitiser will be introduced in toilets and the in-hall catering areas, to make it even easier for everyone to clean their hands. In addition Crufts will be supplying a hand sanitiser station at each public and dog exhibitor entrance.

The Kennel Club recommends that those with concerns about the Coronavirus follow guidelines set out by the World Health Organisation www.who.int/emergencies/diseases/novel-coronavirus-2019/advice-for-public and follow government advice on travel.

South and South West Inter Regional Obedience Team, Crufts 2020

Have you ever wondered what it would be like to work your dog on the famous green carpet at Crufts ?? Well here’s your chance why not come along and try out for the team. Do you live in Herefordshire, Somerset, Avon, Wiltshire, Devon, Cornwall, Dorset or Gloucestershire then our Counties need you !!

This year we will be holding two try out:

The first one on the 3rd of November in Cheltenham  at the Shurdington Social Centre, Bishops Road, Shurdington. 

The  2nd on the 10th of November in Weston-super-Mare at Hewish and Puxton Village Hall, Maysgreen Lane,  Hewish.  

The format will feature 1 Beginner dog, 2 Novice dogs, 2 ‘A’, 1 ‘B’ and 1 ‘C’ plus a Beginner reserve. Two Border Collies or Working Sheepdogs only may feature in the team with a maximum of three Crossbreeds, one of which may not be of Collie type and no more than three of any other single breed.

The eligibility date is up 31st of October 2019, so if interested then please download the form and fill it in, and send it to the address on the form the tryout days are also printed on the obedience schedule page with the postcodes any further information please do not hesitate to contact me on my email – hago72@outlook.com

Emma Galbraith

WALES Inter-Regional Obedience Competition CRUFTS, 6 March 2020

Application forms for team membership are now available to download from this site, all the information can be found on them.

Please support as no-one is pre-selected.

The forms will also be available directly from me or from Alison O’Connor (West Wales) Tel. 01834 891510 or Pat Werner (North Wales) tel. 01824 780455

Jen Jessop (Team Manager)





The Inter-Regional Competition next year will be held on Friday 6th March 2020.

The format will feature 1 Beginner dog, 2 Novice dogs, 2 ‘A’, 1 ‘B’ and 1 ‘C’ plus a Beginner reserve.  Two Border Collies or Working Sheepdogs only may feature in the team with a maximum of three Crossbreeds, one of which may not be of Collie type and no more than three of any other single breed.

It is of utmost importance that the selectors have a wide and strong choice of other breeds.

The Northern Team will be selected by myself, Alison Gresty and Karen Davies.

Dogs must not be Obedience Champions and handlers and dogs competing at the 2019 Crufts Championships are not eligible.  Those eligible to apply for the Northern Team are to reside in Co. Durham, Cleveland, Tyne & Wear, Northumberland, Humberside, Yorkshire, Cheshire, Lincolnshire, Greater Manchester, Lancashire, Cumbria and Merseyside.

The closing date for eligibility is 31st October 2019 and all entries must be received by myself by 3rd December 2019.

Although you are giving details of your dog’s awards during the year for us to consider there will be “selection days”

Sunday 17th November 2019 at Jarys Dog Training club, Marsh House Sports and Community Centre, Billingham, TS23 2HB.

Saturday 23rd November 2019 at Newton Heath Dog Training Club, 66 Wickentree Lane, Failsworth, Manchester, M35 9AY.

Sunday 1st December 2019 at Netherton Village Hall, Netherton, Wakefield, WF4 4LR.

There will be at least two training days held before Crufts.

Selected team members will be expected to attend both get together days.

When making your application please ensure that you are aware of the rules and regulations for the Team competition.

If you or your Club feel that you are able to sponsor the team in any way, any offer will be gratefully received!

Please send for an application form as soon as possible together with a stamped addressed envelope or e-mail your request to the address below to the Northern Area Team Manager :-

Emma Lavender – Mount Pleasant Kennels, Wakefield Road, Hampole, Doncaster, DN6 7EX. (07793933194) emmalavender30@yahoo.co.uk

Application Form for download below:

Scotland Crufts 2020

Inter-Regional Obedience Team Competition

To be held on Friday 6th March 2020

“Under Kennel Club ‘G’ Regulations”

If you would like to be considered for SCOTTISH TEAM

Please complete an application form and either …

  • return it to me, Ellen Herries or Anne Marie Parker
  • email it to me at cpatrick1984@outlook.com
  • or post it to my home address:
    10 Glencaple Ave, Dumfries DG1 4SJ