I have been invited
by Michael McCartney (with the approval of the Crufts Dog Show Committee) to
manage the Northern Ireland Inter Regional Obedience Team for Crufts 2020.
As you are probably
aware Michael McCartney who has been appointed as NI Obedience Inter Regional
Manager is in fact judging the event in 2020, therefore he is unable to fulfil
his role for that year.
I have accepted the
invitation and will be responsible for managing the NI Inter Regional Obedience
Team along with two very able assistants in Anne Hamill & Mandy Jennings.
The 2020 Inter
Regional team will consist of:
1 Beginner Dog
2 Novice Dogs
2 Class A Dogs
1 Class B Dog
1 Class C Dog
1 Beginner Reserve Dog
The following breed
restrictions apply to the Inter Regional Team.
The team may consist of:-
- a maximum of two BC/WSDs,
- 3
Crossbreeds (one of which must not be a Collie/Working Sheepdog type)
- and up to three any other single breed.
The tests for
this event will be as per G regs for each class.
DATE: 31st OCTOBER 2019
If you would like
to be considered for this event, please complete this form and return it to me either
by: Email: smealeoldchapel@manx.net
or post to my home address:
Mrs. Tracy McKinlay
Smeale Old Chapel
Kirk Andreas
Isle of Man. IM7 3EB
Forms should be received by: Saturday 16th
November, 2019
NB No telephone
applications will be accepted.
Team selection days
will take place on:
NORTHERN IRELAND: Saturday, 30th
November at K9 Academy, 10 Moneybroom Road, Lisburn, BT28 2QP
ISLE OF MAN: Saturday, 7th December
starting at 10 am at the Glebe, St. Marks.
I hope that everyone
will be notified of our decision one way or the other by mid-December.
If you would like
to apply but cannot make the above date in your area, please do not be put off
applying, but contact me so we can try to arrange something.
Two Team Training
Sessions will be arranged in each “country” and ask that you attend at least
one of these sessions, again dates to be confirmed.
Tracy McKinlay