Kennel Club Press Release:

The Kennel Club wishes to announce that the regulations regarding event licences across all disciplines are to be changed.

With immediate effect from 1 July 2019, event licence applications, whether for a show, trial or other competition, will cease to refer to ‘guarantors’. Instead, whenever a licence fee is paid for an event, the individual making the application on behalf of the club or society will agree that the officers and committee in place at the time of the event will assume full responsibility for ensuring that it will be conducted safely and in accordance with Kennel Club regulations.

Caroline Kisko, Kennel Club Secretary, said: “This change in regulations has come about due to the Kennel Club’s implementation of the Customer Relationship Management (CRM) database which will provide facilities for licence applications to be made online and which will remove any necessity for signatures to be provided. The principle of the licensing process will remain unchanged, but the term ‘guarantor’ will no longer be used.”

The relevant regulation changes across all disciplines will be published in due course.

Any enquiries regarding this matter can be directed to email


The team managers for both Obedience and Rally Inter-Regional Teams have been appointed for the coming three-year period for Crufts 2020 to 2022.  Their names are listed below.

Over the summer each will be advertising for applications from interested competitors for their respective teams, so please look out for adverts and flyers around the shoes in your area and on social media.


Scotland Carole Patrick
Northern Ireland Michael McCartney
North Emma Lavender
Midlands Lou Jackson
Wales Jen Jessop
South East & East Anglia Wendy Birch
South & South West Emma Galbraith


Scotland Elaine Miller
Northern Ireland Rachel Cooper
North Gail Holl
Midlands Julia Bodsworth
Wales Tracey McGuirk
South East & East Anglia Jenny Stewart
South & South West Jenny Butters

Crufts 2020 Rally Inter Regional Team Manager Sought



The Kennel Club is calling for anyone interested in becoming a Rally Inter-Regional Team Manager to get in touch.

The Inter-regional Rally event took place for the first time in 2017 and is a competition between teams from Scotland, Northern Ireland, North, Midlands, Wales, South East and East Anglia, South and South West. Team Managers were appointed for a three-year term which comes to an end after Crufts 2019.

We are now inviting applications from interested parties who would like to be considered for the position of a Crufts Rally Inter-Regional Team Manager, for the period from Crufts 2020 up to and including Crufts 2022 in the following regions, Wales, South East and East Anglia and North. The current Midlands team manager is willing to continue but wishes to offer others the opportunity to apply for the post.

Any candidates interested in applying must meet the following criteria:

Continue reading Crufts 2020 Rally Inter Regional Team Manager Sought

Rally Rules & Regulations ‘Changes’ Seminar

The Rally Working Party
The KC Accredited Rally Trainers
Are presenting a ‘Changes’ seminar
The seminar will cover the confirmed changes to the Rally Rules & Regulations
which will be coming into effect on 1st January 2019

The day is open to everyone, judges, handlers or trainers – anyone who has an interest in KC Rally. Come and find out how the changes might affect you, and meet the new KC Accredited Rally Judges Trainers

Venue:- Saturday 10th November 2018, Wood End Village Hall, Tamworth Road, Wood End CV9 2QH
5mins from jcn 10 M42


Changes Seminar click to download

Announcement: Kennel Club approves rally regulation amendments as result of large scale review

The Rally working party undertook a full review of the Rally regulations to identify changes that would help build on the success Kennel Club Rally has had in its first six years and continue this success in the future.

The Kennel Club Board has now approved the amendments proposed as a result of this review.

Throughout the review, the working party was committed to ensuring the discipline’s future as an activity for all dogs and handlers, which is reflected in the changes.

Continue reading Announcement: Kennel Club approves rally regulation amendments as result of large scale review