The Kennel Club has approved the following changes to the regulations for Obedience.  (Effective 1 January 2024)

The following regulation amendment has been made to simplify judging requirements to make it quicker and easier for people to become qualified, retaining their motivation and enthusiasm. It was hoped that this would encourage more competitors to step up to the judging role. 

Amendment to Regulation G.32.c. Approval of judges.


Qualifications for judges at premier and open shows and for the non certificate classes at championship shows-

On first appointment judges must satisfy the show committee that they:

(1)   have judged a minimum of four appointments within at least two years at a lower level including limited/companion obedience shows and matches/club or fun competitions won out of Beginners at a licensed championship, premier or open obedience show as a handler.

(2)   have won out of Beginners at a licensed championship, premier or open obedience show as a handler, and have acted as a caller steward or scribe (for the whole class) for any scheduled standard classes or marker steward on six eight occasions at licensed championship, premier or open shows, at least three of which must be as caller steward and

(3)   have completed and passed an Obedience Regulations and Judging Procedure examination on The Kennel Club Academy prior to attending a Kennel Club Obedience Test Design and Practice of Judging seminar.

(4)   have attended a Kennel Club Obedience Test Design and Practice of Judging Seminar and passed the assessment.

(Insertions in bold. Deletions struck through)

(Effective 1 January 2024) 

The below regulation has been amended to ensure judges are reminded that they must be up to date with the relevant regulations at the date of the appointment. 

Amendment to Regulation G34.b


In accepting this invitation you agree to be bound by Kennel Club Rules and Regulations and the Kennel Club Code of Best Practice for Judges and confirm that you are qualified to judge in accordance with Obedience Regulation G32In addition, you will familiarise yourself with the Kennel Club G Regulations which are current at the date of the judging appointment. In doing so you also recognise that you are obliged to notify us in writing of any change in personal circumstances which may affect your ability to fulfil this judging appointment. You should note that we reserve the right to cancel the contract before the date of the appointment if there is such a change in your circumstances, which in our reasonable opinion would adversely affect your ability to fulfil the appointment. Clubs may cancel a judging appointment where there is clear evidence that the judge’s ability to fulfil the appointment has been adversely affected, or in consultation with the judge.’

(Insertion in bold)

(Effective 1 January 2024)

The below regulations have been amended to remove the requirement to wear an exhibit number while competing.

Amendment to Regulation G35.d


Nothing may be carried, worn or displayed by a handler or a dog during judging which is capable of indicating the identity of the dog or owner nor must anything be said, or any action taken which identifies the dog. other than by exhibit number. If requested by the judge or ring steward a handler may (at their choice) disclose their first name and dog’s pet name for possible show report use.

(Deletion struck through)

(Effective 1 January 2024)

Removal of Regulation G35.k.


Every handler shall ensure that whilst the dog is competing, its correct ring number is displayed.

(Deletion struck through. Subsequent regulations to be renumbered)

(Effective 1 January 2024)

Amendment to Regulation G(D)2.b.(2)


2. Duties 

b. During judging: 

(1) To ensure that all commands are given in the same place and in the same manner for each dog and competitor. 

(2) To ensure each competitor has gives the correct ring number for their dog when entering the ring. and that the number is prominently displayed whilst working.

(Insertions in bold. Deletion struck through) 

(Effective 1 January 2024)

The following regulation has been amended to allow food rewards in Pre-Beginner classes.

Amendment to Regulation G35.g.


Food and/or toys shall not be carried or given to a dog under test except in Introductory, and Pre-Beginner Classes where silent toy and food rewards may be used in accordance with the relevant class Regulations and in a Special Class if specified in the class definition. Competitors must not distract other dogs when rewarding their dog with food, toy or play. (Refer to Obedience Code of Conduct)

(Insertion in bold)

(Effective 1 January 2024)

Amendment to Regulation G(A)10.a. Pre-Beginners


To compete in Pre-Beginners a handler or dog must not have won two first places in either Pre-Beginners or Beginners nor gained a third place or above in any other Obedience class (Introductory Class excepted) and have not elected to progress on points from Pre-Beginners. In this class only incentives in the form of a toy or rewards are allowed to be carried by the handler in the competitive ring and may be given to the dog at the end of an exercise or in between exercises. Rewards include food which must be carried in a small closed container during the exercises. The judge will designate an area in the competitive ring where food may be given to the dog by the handler.(Insertion in bold)(Effective 1 January 2024)

The following wording has been added to the ‘Penalties’ regulation to allow for The Kennel Club to address unacceptable behaviour at Kennel Club licensed events and on social media (in the context of licensed events). Further information can be found in the November 2023 issue of The Kennel Club Journal. 

Amendment to Regulation G40

For complaints of conduct whether at a licensed event or on social media, in addition to a warning issued – a short term fixed period of refusal of entry/attendance at Kennel Club licensed events may also be imposed in accordance with procedures to be published from time to time to implement this regulation.

(Insertion in bold.)

(Effective 1 November 2023) 

The below regulation amendments have been made to breakdown some exercises and make them more user friendly, giving opportunity for handlers to reward their inexperienced dogs. This widens the class content to make it more inclusive and to promote a more seamless transition from training to competition.

Amendment to Regulation G(A)9



9. Introductory. 

a. This class is to introduce and support newcomers to obedience competition. In this class only incentives in the form of a toy or rewards are allowed to be carried by the handler in the competitive ring and may be given to the dog at the end of an exercise or in between exercises. Rewards include food which must be carried in a small closed container during the exercises. The judge will designate an area in the competitive ring where food may be given to the dog by the handler. 

b. To compete in the Introductory Class a handler or dog must not have gained a 1st place in any obedience class, and have not elected to progress on points from Introductory. 

c. Handlers will not be penalised for encouragement or extra commands in all exercises. 

d. In any exercise attempted the competing team cannot lose all the allocated points for that exercise but must be awarded a minimum of two one points for each exercise they have attempted. 

e. The detailed test will be: 

(1) Play with dog for 15-30 seconds on or off lead at the handler’s choice. Handlers may use a silent toy 10 points 

Engagement – this will be marked throughout the test – the use of motivators and rewards before and between exercises which may include food, silent toys, tricks, and verbal and physical praise within the reward area of the ring. Toys and food in a sealed container, must either be left on the reward table, or be concealed in the handler’s pocket during tests, where only verbal motivation may be used to keep the dog engaged. 10 points

(2) Heel on lead        10 points 

Heelwork to be set and marked as 2 distinct exercises:- 2a.  

‘Heelwork set up on lead’ and 2b. ‘Heelwork on lead’ 

(a) Heelwork Set up – on lead, handler to set the dog up in heelwork position, in a designated spot, facing the judge, on steward’s command. Handler to be asked if they are ready, when this is acknowledged, steward will say ‘end of test’ 2 points 

(b)Heel on lead, from a moving start and detailed in Annex G(C)4   c and d – Tests 8 points

(3) Recall with a finish on lead, off lead or long line, at the handler’s   choice 10 points 

Recall, to be set and marked as 3 distinct exercises:- 

(a) ‘Recall Present’ – On lead dog sitting in front of the   handler, handler takes one step back on steward’s command, then calls the dog into the present again on steward’s command, the steward will say ‘end of test’ 2 points 

(b) ‘Recall Finish’ – on lead. Dog sitting in front of the handler, on steward’s command, handler directs the dog to heel, whilst keeping feet still, the steward will say ‘end of test’ 2 points

(c) ‘Recall – on/off a long line – handler’s choice’. On command, the handler shall leave the dog in a sit or a down in the direction instructed. When instructed, the handler will halt and then turn to face the dog. When instructed, the handler will recall the dog which must return briskly – no present is required, but will not be penalised – once the dog has returned, the steward will say ‘end of test’ 6 points 

(4) TOTAL        30 points 

(Deletions struck through. Insertions in bold)

(Effective 1 January 2024) 

Amendment to Regulation G(C)4


G(C) Descriptions and Explanatory Notes For Obedience Tests Classes 

4. Tests. 

a. Judges must ensure that all manoeuvres can be satisfactorily    accomplished by all breeds that may be entered in the class. 

b. In all classes the handler may use the dog’s name with a     command or signal without penalty. 

c. Heelwork – in all classes at the start and end of the test the dog    should be sitting straight at the handler’s sideExcept in Introductory, which will be from a moving start. 

d. Heel on lead (applicable to Introductory Class, Pre-Beginners, Beginners and Novice) – The dog should be sitting straight at the handler’s side. On command the handler should walk briskly forward with the dog at heel. The dog’s shoulder should be approximately level with and reasonably close to the handler’s leg at all times when the handler is walking. The lead should be slack at all times. On the command to turn, the handler should turn smartly in the direction indicated and the dog should keep its position at the handler’s side. Turning manoeuvres must not be coupled together. The handler and dog must be allowed several paces if required to turn again. On the command ‘Halt’ the handler should halt immediately, and the dog should sit straight at the handler’s side. Throughout the test the handler may not touch the dog or make use of the lead without penalty. Heelwork may include large circles or arcs as part of the heelwork exercise.

(1) Introductory Class. Heelwork to be on lead and will be a large circle or straight line. Heel on Lead will be broken down into distinct tests, as detailed above, Heelwork from a moving start, to be on lead and will be:- 

a) A large ‘figure of 8’     8 points 

b) Or a large ‘S’ shape     8 points 

c) Or an arc or circle in one direction, break off and reward and the pattern then repeated in the opposite direction

4 points plus 4 points 

f. Recall-  

(1) Introductory Pre-Beginner Class to Novice: At the start of the exercise the dog should be in the sit or down position (handler’s choice of position) at the handler’s left side. On command, the handler shall leave the dog in the direction instructed. When instructed, the handler will halt and then turn to face the dog. When instructed, the handler will recall the dog which must return briskly to the ‘present’ position and sit. When instructed, the handler will command the dog to go to the heel position on the handler’s left side and sit in the ‘heel’ position. 

(1)(2) Introductory Class – will be divided into three parts – 4.f.(1)a. Present, 4.f.(1)b. Finish and 4.f.(1)c. Recall, and will each be tested separately. 

a)  ‘Present’ – on lead dog sitting in front of the handler, handler takes one step back on steward’s command, then calls the dog into the present on steward’s command, the steward will say ‘end of test’         – 2 points 

b) ‘Finish’ – on lead dog sitting in front of the handler, on steward’s command, handler directs the dog to heel and finish in a sit, whilst keeping feet still. The steward will say ‘end of test’      – 2 points 

c) ‘Recall’ On/off a long line – handler’s choice. At the start of the exercise the dog should be in the sit or down position (handler’s choice of position) at the handler’s left side on or off a long line (handler’s choice). On command, the handler shall leave the dog in the direction instructed. When instructed, the handler will halt and then turn to face the dog. When instructed, the handler will recall the dog, which must return briskly to the handler. A present is not required, but will not be penalised. The steward will say ‘end of test’              – 6 points        

(Deletions struck through. Insertions in bold.)

(Renumber subsequent regulations) 

(Effective 1 January 2024)