Conduct at Kennel Club licensed events and on social media

The Kennel Club Board and the Disciplinary Committee have endorsed the introduction of further regulatory support to help ensure all those taking part in or attending licensed events behave in a responsible and a respectful manner.

It is the responsibility of all participants to uphold the core values of courtesy and respect surrounding canine activities. Alongside this, those same values ought to be in play on social media in the context of comments and opinions being expressed about participants at Kennel Club licensed events. This new measure introduces a system for issuing yellow and red cards in response to unacceptable behaviour at Kennel Club licensed events and on social media (in the context of licensed events).

The issue of a yellow card in response to unacceptable conduct will indicate that should there be a further incident and / or repetition of a complaint on a similar issue, then the yellow card will escalate to a red card status.

A red card status will result in an automatic fixed period of 60/90 days for refusal of entry and attending Kennel Club licensed events – and such period will be aligned with any relevant competition or event season.

Continue reading Conduct at Kennel Club licensed events and on social media

Crufts 2024 South East & East Anglia Inter Regional Obedience Team Applications

TRY-OUT DATES AND VENUES FOR South East & East Anglia Team

Inter-Regional Obedience COMPETITION CRUFTS 2023

We have chosen two venues & dates in different parts of the SE&EA area for the try-outs and hope that all potential entrants will be able to get to one or other of the venues.

TRY OUT 1 is on Saturday 4th November 2023, starting 9.30am at:

Knowl Hill Village Hall
 (Thames D.T.C Hall)

           The Terrace                                                                                               

          Bath Road


           RG10 9XB

TRY OUT 2 is on Sunday 12th November 2023, start 9.30am at:                                2

           Pebmarsh Village Hall (Halstead D.O.C. Hall)                          1                                                                          

           The Street




            CO9 2NG                                                                                                        


At the above two try-out days a number of handlers and breeds will be invited to attend a final    selection day when the SE&EA team will be chosen.

This will be held on Saturday 9th December 2023, start 10.00am at:

           Flaunden Hall

            89, Birch Lane

            Flaunden (Near Bovingdon)

            Hemel Hempstead


            HP3 0PW

Crufts 2024 Midlands Inter Regional Obedience Team Applications

Midlands Area Crufts Inter Regional Obedience Team Selection Day Sunday 26th November 2023

at Tomlinsons Canine Center, Markfield, Leicester. LE67 9RJ

Applications to: Lou Jackson, Comox, Harrisons Lane, Gailey, Stafford ST19 5PS

or to email

More info from Lou on 07831397080, please leave a message.

Applications closing 12th Nov. 2023.

Crufts 2024 Wales Inter Regional Obedience Team Try-out

  • Try Out Day for all Welsh candidates for Crufts 2024 is :- 

Sunday 26th November 2023 

Ysgol Trefonnen Community Hall, Ysgol Trefonnen, Llandrndod Wells, Powys LD1 5EP 

Time: 10am to 4pm 

  • • A contribution towards the cost of the hall would be much appreciated from candidates on the day. 
  • • Any interested candidates to complete the application form (below) and return to :- 

Gill Walker : By post to 6, Heol-y-Felin, Rhiwbina, Cardiff CF14 6NB or by email to Tel: 07748665641 for any further details 

  • • Applications should reach me by Tuesday, 31st October 2023 please, to enable my Assistant Managers and myself to organise a suitable programme to ensure everyone gets a satisfactory time slot that will enable you all to show off your teamwork at its very best! 

Crufts 2024 Scottish Inter Regional Obedience Team Try-outs

Please can you let us have your completed forms before the Try Out/Selection Days, (preferably by 31st October 2023)
The closing date for calculating your eligibility is the last day of October 2023
We are holding 2 “Try Out/Selection Days” this year:

The first on Saturday 11th November 2023 at … Galrigside Farm, Ayrshire KA2 9AZ 12pm

The second on Sunday 12th November 2023 at … Rio DTC’s Training Hall, Rio Community Centre, St Mary’s lane, Newport-on-Tay, DD6 8AH 09:30 for 10:00  

You only need to attend one of the above “Try Out/Selection Days” to be considered 


The Kennel Club is calling for anyone interested in becoming an Obedience Accredited Trainer for the judges’ training programme to get in touch.

This judges’ training programme has been developed over a period of time and follows the requirements already in place for those involved in judging other canine activities. It underlines The Kennel Club’s commitment to maintaining and improving the standard of judges and judging at official Kennel Club licensed events and, in so doing, ensures the quality of dogs and the value of awards they receive at these events.